Location : kyiv region,
function : family house
area : 338 sq. m.
team : alexandra nikitenko
alina yesaian
anton zheleznov
danylo kamchatnyi
mariia rusanova
visualization : caustica
Website : https://nikitenkoteam.com/5/?fbclid=IwAR3nlFVJYZ358ZEx-8dn0t1CYYFgHcabAfnDuoLVWuz8Tul2cd7NOtFp-Uw
The boundaries of the house are not locked. Home is everything that relates to you every day and everything you are related to yourself. Therefore, the first thing we started with was to study the surrounding landscapes and establish a relationship between them and the future home. The next step is to create an imprint of the customer's values ​​in the nature of the place. Scenarios of tactile and visual interaction with nature organize the space of the yard. The most distinctive feature of this concept is the subordination of the body of the house to the slope of the relief and a clear division into four functional blocks, which split like slices of chocolate and spread over the relief.
Technical, residential, guest and living room units are functionally emphasized by different ceiling heights. The difference in roof levels creates thin strips of windows under the very ceiling, which add an unusual soft light from above, as well as create the effect of weightlessness and hovering of the roof over the living room. From the low block of the hall through the corridor along the main axis we get into the spacious living room, and from there - on the terrace with a panoramic view to the infinity of the slope. On the terrace there is a swimming pool with imitation of the current to swim towards the waves of the forest approaching the slope.


